Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions by our clients
  • 1
    Where is Mafiosi cattery located?
    We are located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
  • 2
    Mafiosi cattery is registered and is a member of TICA since 2018. All our kittens have breed registration. Our cats take part in exhibitions and receive high titles.
  • 3
    What is a price of a kitten?
    The pricing of Oriental kittens in our cattery is determined by various criteria, primarily based on how well the kitten conforms to breed standards. Factors such as the purity of eye color, the overall beauty of the body and head, the shape and set of the ears, and whether the kitten is suitable for a show career contribute to the pricing.

    Additionally, the coat color plays a role, with kittens featuring rare colors like cinnamon being valued higher. Breeding such colors requires more effort and time due to the non-direct inheritance of the cinnamon color gene.

    The cost of our kittens is above average due to our responsible breeding practices.

    • All our breeding cats undergo testing for 40+ genetic health tests including Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Blood Type Testing. This means that all kittens born in our cattery are free from inheriting these genes.
    • Our cats actively participate in exhibitions.
    • As law-abiding citizens, we ensure that all necessary taxes and other payments related to the activities of the cattery are duly paid.
    • We hold a high regard for our animals.

    We hold a high regard for our animals and strive to find them new owners who are willing to appreciate their uniqueness and the dedicated effort invested in each kitten.

    The Oriental kittens of the modern type are priced 3500 Canadian dollars, while those of the extreme type are in the range of 4000-4500 Canadian dollars. These prices reflect the meticulous breeding efforts and adherence to breed standards that contribute to the overall quality of the kittens.

    Sometimes, the cost of a kitten may be significantly reduced for the following reasons:
    • The kitten may have cosmetic defects that do not impact its health and quality of life but prevent it from participating in breeding programs and exhibitions (for example, incorrect eye color, a kink in the tail, a locket - a white spot on the chest of a fully colored kitten, etc.).
    • If a kitten has reached the age of 6 months but has not yet found its owner, the cost may be significantly reduced. This is because a teenage kitten requires more living space, and due to cohabitation with other cats, it may lead to conflicts within the clan or unwanted mating.
    • An adult cat, retired from breeding, is seeking a new home as it has completed its breeding activities in the cattery.
    • Personal circumstances of the breeder.

    The cost of kittens for breeding purposes is determined exclusively individually!

    The price of a kitten includes: vaccinations according to age and TICA blue slip.
  • 4
    How to reserve a kitten?
    Kitten reservation is possible after 3 months of age.
    Let us know what kind of a kitten you are looking for (as a pet or for breeding, gender, color, other parameters of your choice). We will notify you about available kittens and send you all the necessary information about them.
    When you choose your kitten, we sign a Contract with all conditions there about selling, Seller and Buyer responsibilities and rights.

    A kitten leaves the cattery after full vaccination at the age of not earlier than 4 months. By the age of 3 months a kitten will be vaccinated from rabies and wait for 30 days of quarantine in the cattery. After quarantine a kitten can move to a new home.

    Castration of a kitten is not included in the purchase price and shall be the responsibility of the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to pay for the castration procedure as per the invoice provided by the veterinarian.
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    Waitlist Information
    If you are interested in being added to the waitlist for upcoming litters, please provide the following information and send it to mafiosicattery@gmail.com:

    1. Your full name.
    2. Your place of residence and living conditions.
    3. Your family composition.
    4. Any current or previous experience with other pets.
    5. Do any members of your household have allergies to cats or asthma?
    6. Have you ever had to rehome an animal before?
    7. Your backup plan for caring for the cat during vacations or trips (e.g., who will look after the cat in your absence).
    8. What is your plan for the kitten if they outlive you or you become unable to care for them?
    9. What kind of kitten are you looking for? Gender, color, any other preferences or important points for you.
    We will contact you as soon as a suitable kitten becomes available. Please note that if we do not hear back from you within 48 hours, we will reach out to the next person on the waitlist.

    If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out!
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    Kitten's Delivery
    Delivery is managed and payed by Buyer.
    We strongly recommend using only trusted couriers with a good reputation!
    You can find a courier suitable for you in specialized Facebook groups.
    For cargo delivery, you can contact the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association.
    The cost of courier services depends on the destination and delivery conditions (car / plane).

    Also you can come for a kitten personally (this option is always welcome).
Why so expensive?
This question can often be heard from the people.
In this infographic, we tried to explain why purebred kittens cannot be cheap
My vaccinations and documents cost

My parents cost

Parental examination cost

Shows and titles of my parents cost

Feeding me and my parents cost

Emergency vet cost

Time, holidays, sleepless nights, unpaid leaves at work and... a lot of heart

Do you want cheaper?
Which one of these are you willing to skip?

The amounts given are only approximate costs that the breeder must incur when he has a litter. The costs are often much higher, because they could include: gadgets for cats, toys and cat trees, all catification of apartment and furnishing oof cats rooms, maternity boxes and nursery, fuel, transport of cats, supplementation, cleaning agents, disinfectants, sterilization equipment, furniture and carpets damaged by active male, seminars and all breeding events, year-round care of parents, diseases and other conditions that have occurred, the cattery's promotion (web site, social media)...
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We are located in Calgary, the largest city in the western Canadian province of Alberta.

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