Our Cats
Here you can find information and photos of our kittens parents
Otornasse Sebastian Mafiosi

Male, chocolate color, cinnamon carrier, color point carrier.

Breeder: Vira Lapska. Owner: Tanya Hryb

This male was born in Otornasse cattery (Ukraine) in 2024.

Sebastian is a male in super extreme type with exceptional ear shape. He has great temperament.

Okonor Fresca

Female, cinnamon tortie color, color point carrier.

Breeder: László Németh. Owner: Tanya Hryb

This female was born in Okonor cattery (Hungary) in 2023 from our male Mafiosi Duca (OSH, chocolate color) and female Okonor Brutália (SIA, cinnamon tortie point).

Fresca is very beautiful female in extreme type with exceptional ear shape. She has great temperament and vibrant green eyes.

Mafiosi EU Intra
Female, black color, cinnamon carrier, color point carrier.
Breeder: Tanya Hryb. Owner: Tanya Hryb

This female was born in our cattery in 2021 from male Bambino Oriclis (OSH, chocolate color) and female UA*Gyulchatay Querty aka Specia (SIA, seal point).
Intra is Quadruple Grand Champion (TICA). Has great temperament, extreme apperiance and vibrant green eyes.

Mafiosi Ferrara
Female, black color, cinnamon carrier, color point carrier.
Breeder: Tanya Hryb. Owner: Tanya Hryb

This female was born in our cattery in 2024 from male Okonor Agamemnon (OSH, black) and female Okonor Fresca (OSH, cinnamon tortie).

Mafiosi Sardinia
Female, seal point, cinnamon carrier.
Breeder: Tanya Hryb. Owner: Tanya Hryb

This female was born in our cattery in 2024 from male Okonor Agamemnon (OSH, black) and female Okonor Fresca (OSH, cinnamon tortie).
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We are located in Calgary, the largest city in the western Canadian province of Alberta.

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